Graphic Novel

                The Peanuts Graphic Novel  

The graphic novel I chose was The Complete Peanuts by Charles M. Schultz and i greatly enjoyed it.  The novel brought back so much nostalgia from my past, and when I passed it in the library I knew that I had to check it out and read it again.  I have never been the biggest reader or book worm so graphic novels were always ways that i would enjoy reading when I was younger.  it is a great was to tell a story through the dialog and being able to connect that to a panel on the page that perfectly depicts the emotion and action of the character in a drawing.  these stories can be as long or short as the author wants them to be so this medium allows for an extreme amount of flexibility, as well as the rise of technology these graphic novels can be shared or posted to be read on our phones or computers.  because of the rise of graphic design and use of computers the drawings are visual part of the novel has been more creative and detailed than ever with vivid coloring.


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