Unit 1 Draft

 Source Analysis for Unit1

by Rory Day

A Pencil Shop, for texting the old-fashioned way

By, Molly Young


  • It is an article written in the New York times website

  • Starts by giving examples of items that are being seen as less and less useful in everyday life because of newer inventions.

  • Paints pencils in a light to be see as almost obsolete in the technologically advanced society we live in today

  • Then begins talking about Caroline weavers vast amounts of knowledge about pencils that many people would not even notice.

  • She even has a pencil tattooed on her are showing her passion for the topic

  • Shows the vast amount of different reasons to buy her pencils\

    • Cheap prices

    • Great smells

    • Different shapes, colors, sizes

    • With or without erasers

  • Molly Young’s goal was to give an example of someone turning something becoming obsolete into a new and thriving business

  • My topic bases around the fact that technology and the vast amount of knowledge available is harmful for developing humans and society

    • This source will be used as a rebuttal for how social media and technology can do good in the world and share something positive 

Knowledgeable vs. Knowledge able Ted Talk


  • A Ted Talk by Michael Wesch

    • Aims to educate and explain the shortcomings of social media and the emerging opportunity to do good in the world

    • Talks about how social media and technology in the classroom can be extremely distracting, and wastes everyone's time

    • Advocating for people to change from taking in loads of knowledge in the classroom and testing based off of memorization to preparing critical thinkers and using that knowledge to make decisions

    • The overload of information and technology has lessened many peoples ability to focus and connect with the people around them

    • Social media is a place filled with hate and negativity and Wesch pushes for a cultural change online

    • Talks about how the internet is all around us and connected to us at all times and the negative impacts that has on people

    • One quote that stood out to me that does not directly tie into my topic but I found powerful was “You do not find yourself instead you create yourself”

      • College students and young people are hearing so many ways that they should live their lives that many of them feel lost or overwhelmed

    • The goal was to insight change in education and the way that people interact with social media and the internet

      • Which he paints perfect example of how we could be better through social media movements 

      • one person can start the change but it takes everyone to join onto the movement

    • Perfect for my topic to show how social media and technology has had a negative impact on our generation and how we don't connect with people as much on a one on one basis and how higher education and college classes have lost value

Attention spans dwindle due to social media use, by Sophia Hsu


  • An opinion article from The Standard

  • Content addiction and the negative effects it has on a person's daily life is something that has happened to this author in the past so she's using her own experience and combining it with data to portray the massive problem that many youths are having revolving around social media

  • Uses multiple sources on its own 

    • Some which are reputable and fact checks the data which is incorrect 

  • Focused on how the use of social media and constant bombardment of information students are receiving are lessening their attention spans over time

  • Not to 8 seconds like some people would believe but still lowering from year to year

  • Hsu uses this piece to call attention  to the slow descent into content addiction and how people cannot live without it

  • From tv being riveting must see content to short form 60 second tik toks is a drastic change in how we as a society intake content and information

    • It's never enough time to formulate a true opinion before it's on to the next video as the cycle repeats over and over.

    • Social media sites are designed for a person to scroll endlessly

    • “These apps all prevent consumers from really absorbing information and comprehending it deeply. Therefore, social media platforms invite the brain to practice mindless and quick consumption”.

  • She uses her own personal life to show how it can affect a student and how she personally has had trouble retaining focus

  • People are more forgetful than ever as well

  • The goal was to give attention to the ongoing problem and call for change

“Dr. Gloria Mark, a professor of informatics who studies attention spans due to social media, said the average attention span on a screen has decreased by 103 seconds between 2004 and 2023”


  1. I really like the points you made their very insightful I sort of said something similar about the pencil article. I'm not sure if you have to paragraph form though.

  2. Good job Rory! You had good analysis for each source and I enjoyed reading your thoughts on each. You picked good sources. I would say some of your bullets were more summary than analysis, I would just add more to some of your points! -Abby Deering

  3. I really liked your bulleted approach; however, as Abby stated, I would add more to each point to dive into the analysis part. I found your third article particularly interesting, especially the part you quoted, "These apps all prevent consumers from really absorbing information and comprehending it deeply. Therefore, social media platforms invite the brain to practice mindless and quick consumption”. I, and many of my peers, can heavily relate to this. Best, Reggie


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